The process for how Adventures in Odyssey Club members are billed for sales tax, based on their geographic location, will be changing, effective January 3, 2023. Please review the FAQ below for all the pertinent information.
Here are answers to the common questions in regards to the Adventures in Odyssey Club sales tax update:
Effective January 3, 2023, Club members will be billed for sales tax on their 1-, 6- or 12-month memberships at the set sales tax rate based on their billing address.
Sales tax has traditionally been rolled in to the overall cost of a Club membership. To continue providing high-quality programming and extra Club features, and to ensure that we are in alignment with all federal and state tax laws, sales tax charges will now be added to the overall cost of your membership.
The industry standard amongst digital streaming services is to separate sales tax and membership charges on billing statements. This change will help align Club billing with today’s standards.
Sales tax rates vary based on what state you reside in, and in some states there are local rates which can change periodically. The chart below reflects the sales tax rates as of January 1, 2022.
Members with billing addresses in locations that do not charge sales tax will not see a change in the cost of their membership.
Beginning January 3, 2023, sales tax charges will be reflected as a separate line item on your billing statement.
Tax rates are constantly changing and can fluctuate on a state-by-state basis. Club billing will always reflect the most current tax rate for your billing address.
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