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Welcome to Your Devotions for this Easter Season
Each week invites the entire family to reflect on these devotions together:
Week 1 - Biblical Truths
Have you ever lost points on a school assignment for forgetting to put your name on the paper? Some things are so basic and routine that we overlook them. Which can be costly. An old saying has been handed down through the centuries:
“For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, the horse was lost. For want of a horse, the rider was lost. For want of a rider, the battle was lost. For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.”
Who knows, maybe the blacksmith was distracted at the end of a long day. He’d been nailing shoes onto so many horses that, in the middle of his routine, he missed something simple, yet vitally important: a single nail.
The same can happen to us if (like Priscilla in this month’s Adventure) we overlook basic, yet vital truths from God’s Word that could help us resist temptation. What are some of those truths? Here’s a simple reminder of several “nails” that will hold your faith in place at full gallop:
1. The Bible is truth, and the divinely inspired Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12, John 17:17)
2. There is one eternal, holy God, who created all that is seen and unseen. (Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 1:8, Genesis 1-2)
3. Sin separates us from God, yet He loved us enough to redeem us by sending His only Son. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8)
4. Jesus is God in human form, who died for the forgiveness of our sins and rose from the grave. (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-20, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 14:6-7)
5. Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit, our divine helper and teacher. (John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:13)
6. Jesus is preparing a heavenly home for those who believe in Him, and is coming back again. (John 14:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Romans 6:23)
Familiar, yet powerful.
As Pastor Knox warned, “Not paying attention to the simplest of things can cause all sorts of problems.” Indeed. On the other hand, focusing on these and other basic truths from God’s Word provides a solution when the enemy tries to sell us S-I-N.
Member Challenge: It’s easy to take things for granted in relationships. That’s especially true of the people closest to us. Is there a friend or family member who means a lot to you, but rarely hears how special they are, or what you value most about your relationship? Write that person a note today. Not a quick text filled with emojis, but a personal note in your own handwriting. It will mean a lot to them!
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #894: A Simple Reminder
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Week 2 - Competition
If someone asked you which of Jesus’ disciples was a bit too self-focused, who comes to mind? Judas? He betrayed the Lord for 30 pieces of silver. Or maybe the sons of Zebedee, who asked Jesus for VIP seating in their Kingdom. Those guys definitely got off track thinking about themselves when they should have been focused on the bigger picture. Of course, you could also add John to that group.
Wait, John? The quiet one? The disciple who wrote a Gospel and gently rested his head on Jesus’ chest? He didn’t even refer to himself in the first person, but simply as “the one whom Jesus loved.” John was so loyal and low key. What did he do?
It’s actually kind of funny. In John 20, this mild-mannered fellow is describing Easter morning. Hallelujah! The tomb is empty! It’s all about the risen Savior, and John can’t think of anything except the resurrection… or can he?
No sooner does John mention racing toward the empty tomb than he makes a point of saying (speaking of himself), “The other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first” (v. 4). In verse 6 (NIV) he adds, “Then Simon Peter, who was behind him…” And for good measure, the author once again refers to himself as “the disciple who had reached the tomb first” (v. 8).
John is in the process of reporting The. Most. Important. Moment. In. History. Christ has overcome death! Yet John seems a bit preoccupied with his own victory, eager for the record to show that he beat Peter in a footrace.
In “Badges of Honor,” Olivia and Zoe’s competitive spirit got the best of them as well. They were so eager to beat the Marcys that they lost sight of the bigger picture and their true identity. We are children of the risen King. No other title or trophy can compare. Striving for excellence is great so long as our accomplishments don’t define us… or distract us from what’s truly important.
Member Challenge: Do you ever find yourself being overly competitive? Would you even bother playing a game if you knew you’d have to lose in order to come out on top? What strange game is this? you might ask. The Christian life. Jesus said the last shall be first, and the first last (Matthew 20:16), and “Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25). Also, the Apostle Paul noted, “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Apparent contradictions that contain truth are called paradoxes. Ask God to keep you focused on the big picture. Then, just for fun, see how many words you can make from the letters in “paradoxes.”
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #893: Badges of Honor
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Week 3 - Compassion
Sirens blare so loudly, you jump.
“Follow quickly and quietly, everyone,” your teacher says, guiding students down the hall into a tornado-safe area away from any windows. You cover your head with both arms. It’s crowded, hot and loud. Just as you’re starting to get stiff from stooping over, the sirens stop. “All right, everyone, back to the classroom,” your teacher instructs, “the drill is over.”
Do you have regular tornado or fire drills at your school? They can be a little scary, even when you know it’s just practice. In “Tornado!” a real storm is on the way, and the whole town of Odyssey takes cover. Before the dust finally settles, we all learn a lesson about compassion, particularly the need to show kindness to those who don’t seem to deserve it.
It can be hard to be unselfish, especially when the people you’re sharing with aren’t very nice, like the Rathbones. Yet as Mandie pointed out, Jesus tells us to love and serve others, including our enemies. And in Acts 20:35 the Apostle Paul says, “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Jesus is right. While it may be easier to be selfish and grabby, that’s a sad way to live. Mandie understood that, which is why she gave up her doll to help the tornado victims. Of course, eventually she got Polly back, proving that even grumpy Bart Rathbone has a soft side.
Member Challenge: Have you heard of someone in your town—or halfway around the world—who needs help? Think of ways you could make a difference. Maybe you can volunteer to collect canned goods for a local food pantry, or give some of your allowance to help flood victims in another country. No one is too young to have an impact. If you’re wondering where to start, the ministries featured here in the Odyssey Adventure Club are all doing great work.
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #397: Tornado!
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Week 4 - Kindness
You can do things that no one else can. Important things. God has designed you with a particular personality and gifts that make you special. Not only that, He chose the family you would be part of. He knew where you would go to school, who you would pal around with at church . . . and what neighborhood you would live in.
In today’s Odyssey Adventure Club episode, “Like a Good Neighbor,” Olivia tried hard to be kind to her neighbors. But it wasn’t easy. Some people were suspicious, others were busy, and Mrs. Kramer was just plain rude. Olivia got discouraged and almost gave up. But then she followed Wooton’s Christian example of unconditional kindness. He was nice to Mrs. Kramer even when she didn’t respond in a nice way.
How can we be good neighbors like Wooton and Olivia? It begins with our attitude. When we interact with people like Mrs. Kramer, we need to focus on honoring God instead of expecting gratitude. That way, no matter how they respond, we can pray, “Jesus, help me show this person the love You would show them if You were here. I’m just filling in for You.”
Romans 12:2 instructs us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” The world’s way of thinking says, Help neighbors who are friendly or Do nice things for neighbors who do nice things for you. But how does God want us to think? Let Him renew your mind in this area, and treat everyone with equal love and respect.
Member Challenge: Red Hollard told Olivia that people don’t take enough time to get to know each other these days. He’s right. Everyone seems so busy. With your parents’ help, think of ways you can serve people right there in your neighborhood.
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #745: Like a Good Neighbor
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Week 5 - Thankfulness
Lisa lives in a stunningly gorgeous village. Mountains rise into the clouds, and all of the houses are nestled on green rolling hills beside a flowing stream. But all Lisa can think about is moving to a big city someday. The tall buildings. Lots of people. The constant activity. As soon as she turns 18, Lisa heads to the city to fulfill her dream. But after a few months, the wall-to-wall buildings, crowds and noise have somehow lost their appeal. She misses the peacefulness of home.
Sometimes we can’t see just how blessed we are until we step away from that place of blessing. In today’s adventure, “The Long Way Home,” Aubrey Shepard is desperate to leave The Timothy Center, and can’t wait to spend a day at the water park in Connellsville. Aubrey does everything she can to earn the money to go. But when she boards the bus, she finds out they can’t go to the water park after all. They’re going somewhere else though: The Timothy Center! Aubrey is annoyed until she sees her home through a new friend’s eyes and realizes that she has been taking her home for granted.
It’s easy to get caught up in life’s little problems and forget to be thankful for what we have. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” It’s best to keep a thankful heart for the people we love, the possessions we own, and place we live. Next time you feel frustrated with the “status quo,” take a moment to thank God for a blessing in your life.
Member Challenge: Think of an activity you used to enjoy until you outgrew it or got tired of it. Maybe it was going to the zoo or watching a particular kids’ movie. Perhaps you haven’t read a favorite picture book in a long time because you know it so well. Want to make it fun again? Find a younger sibling or neighbor and share that “boring” experience with them. Experience it through their eyes. You may find yourself enjoying it all over again!
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #437: Sunset Bowlawater & The Long Way Home
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Week 6 - Faith in Action
Some people love to pop bubble wrap. Do you? Of course, our puffy, plastic-popping pleasure isn’t why engineers Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding invented the stuff in 1960. They had bigger plans. It might surprise you to know that those plans had nothing to do with protecting items sent by mail.
At first, the creators of bubble wrap were trying to design a trendy new wallpaper. It failed miserably. Then they tried to market their product as insulation for houses. Another flop. Only after IBM used it to safely ship computers did bubble wrap become a huge success.
When God gives us a sense of purpose, we often assume that His plan for that passion is the same as ours would be. So we forge ahead. We expect certain results. And we get frustrated when those outcomes don’t match our expectations. Like the inventors of bubble wrap, we can feel like failures. That is until God surprises us with a different kind of success.
Zoe knows that feeling. She was passionate about helping people and bringing light into the community during a stormy time. But things didn’t go as she’d hoped. While some people liked the roadside display, others got upset. Even so, those early efforts connected her with Mrs. Randolph in a new way, and allowed Zoe to brighten Mrs. Randolph’s world.
Unsure of God’s plan? Not seeing results yet? Don’t let it burst your bubble. Proverbs 19:21 reminds us that God’s ways are greater than ours: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”
Meanwhile, Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
When you serve God with your whole heart, you can confidently leave the results to Him. So relax. Unwind. Pop some bubble wrap.
Member Challenge: When have you tried to serve God or others, only to be disappointed? Looking back, can you see how God may have used that situation to accomplish a “higher” purpose?
If you’d like to go deeper on this topic listen to the accompanying Adventures in Odyssey Club episode.
This week's devotional is from Episode #963: Mile 151
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